Sunday, July 28, 2013

Train ur Dragons to a Strong Warmachine

Hey guys quick tip is just me telling u to train ur dragons to give it a more terrifying attack.


Hi people, u see this dinosaur island can give u two unique dragons if u just work hard for it.

No Other Pure Habitat

U might wonder why there's no more other pure habitat except The classic pure habitat. Well the good thing is we no need to buy with more money. The bad news u have to be level 34 to buy it but to those  
who have one lucky for u even ur in lower level to buy a pure habitat u still can keep ur pure habitat that u bought in the pass.

Legend Habitat Updated

This habitat was updated, it looks cooler n better just to tell

Pure Dragon

To get this unique dragon better start breeding 2 legend dragon.

Pure Ice Dragon

To get this dragon. U will need a pure dragon and an ice dragon

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Fluorescent Dragon

Hey people breed this dragon it might be useful to unlock the Cool Fire Dragon